20 octubre 2006

This quiz knows me better than I know myself

You scored as health-conscious vegetarian. You are a health-conscious vegetarian! This means that either your motivation for going veg was/is for health reasons, or if not, you have simply become much more health-conscious after being veg. You are always questioning what you eat on the basis of its healthfullness and naturalness. You might be a "pesco-vegetarian" (fish eating), if you believe that fish flesh is healthy (it's not!). Either way, vegetarianism is a part of your quest for health! More on www.goveg.com

health-conscious vegetarian


welfarist vegetarian


vegan vixen


militant vegan


quiet vegetarian


new veggie


lazy vegetarian


What type of vegetarian are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

I think this quiz hit things right on the nail. Perhaps this is why I always fail at being vegan. I care about the animals and the environment just fine, but eating organic when I can afford to and reducing my intake of dairy products gives me more satisfaction in all areas over denying myself a small, yet delicious, morsel of gorgonzola and honey crostini as a vegan.

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