01 diciembre 2006

So Highschool

Honestly, I feel like I'm in some sort of high school twilight zone. My theory class for my hospitality class just like being in school again, except everyone else is still trapped inside their own immature bodies and brains but I've grown up. We had our first assessment today, which in my opinion is the most important one because it deals with food safety and hygiene in the workplace. There can be very serious consequences if these certain strict guidelines aren't followed. I wouldn't want to be working with any of these kids in any kitchen lest I want to die of some sort of severe bout of food poisoning.

We had Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to study for this exam and complete our homework, which was about 10 or 15 short-answer questions. Most people didn't complete the homework or study and they had sooooo many excuses for themselves it was too funny. Because the level of comprehension of English is quite low for most people we spent from 9:00am to 12:30pm going over the homework questions. Who needs this much time to answer simple questions? I asked a few questions but the reply was, "Those are great questions, but you don't need to know those details for the test...". I think my instructor gets frustrated, a lot.

Before handing out the test she gave specific instructions: 1. Do not turn over the exam until I say so. 2. No talking or it will be considered cheating 3. If you have a question, do not ask out loud, but come ask me. 4. No cell phones

As soon as she hands out the test people have turned it over, they start talking, they ask questions out load and guy even answered his cell phone in class. Come on! All during the test the Indian kids at the back of the classroom were whispering and sharing answers. One kid actually the nerve to ask for an answer during the exam. I didn't want to be the first person to hand in my exam, but I was. It was much easier than for what I had studied for. I didn't get a perfect score because I couldn't remember the spellings of certain strains of bacteria, but I know I did well.

I studied from 11:00am to 5:00pm for that test, true uni student style. I had all week to study but between having class and getting settled in the apartment, I had my hands full. I've learnt to stop offering reasons for why I've not done something, unless they involved natural disasters, bodily harm or death then they always sound like excuses. After having done a masters course my standards for what education should be are just so much higher.

2 comentarios:

Beaver dijo...

arf. so highschool is a comment one can make about pretty much any closed environment.

I live in a universe composed of 15 coworkers. SO High School.

Chin up. Morons will NOT prevail in the end.

Dirty Flamingo dijo...

Great advice!