New Age Career Woman: Hmmm
Well, I guess I'm not going to a be an ESL instructor for these next few months. None of the language institutes replied to my emails and/or resumes. Employers who advertise online can be tricky, many times they don't list their numbers or company name so you can't bombard them with phone calls.
That interview I had on Tuesday for an entry-level administrative position was kind of strange as in I didn't feel like I was being interviewed. They hadn't reviewed my resume before I arrived and asked questions that I felt had really obvious answers: Do you have administrative experience? (I'm pretty sure my resume says so) Have you worked with phones before? (Well, I did work in a CALL CENTRE...THAT probably counts) Can you work in teams? What was the pay at your previous jobs? (Probably MUCH higher than this job). Don't worry, I was sarcastic at all during the interview. At the end when she said that they were interviewing several other after me and they would be giving me a call between 5:00pm and 6:00pm to let me know if I'd been chosen for a 2nd round interview. I highly doubted they would calll me back because I'm that pesimistic when it comes to job interviews. So, you can imagine who EXCITED I was when they DID call me back. I wore my best professional dress outfit, which is what I should have worn to the first interview, and showed up the next day full of enthusiam to work as a receptionist for a marketing company.
After I did a trial receptionist-phone answering test, they sent me home and said that, once again they had more interviewees and would give me a call when they had decided. "Like they would even call me back..." I said to myself.
I guess my resume was pretty interesting because they called me back and I start work on Friday as an entry-level receptionist/administrator. Full.Time. Woohee!
Of course, I would rather be a youth development volunteer in El Salvador instead of being a receptionist right now, but I have to keep my eye on the prize. And it definitely isn't advancing into a management position.
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