07 agosto 2006

I'm Your Receptionist, Thanks

For the next five months, I'll be the first person people see when they enter a particular marketing and promotions office: the receptionist

Friday was my first day and while it was exciting and all to a) have a full-time job and b) be one step closer to Australia, I can forsee myself wanting to jab a pencil in my eye rather than go to work in about, say, 1 or 2 months from now. That happens with all jobs I get. The dizzying exciting of having a job usually tends to wane off after I realise how repetitive my daily tasks are. I went out and bought a few collared shirts and some snazzy work pants suitable for receptionists. I now have enough clothes to last me for 4 days without repeating shirts. How's that for an extensive wardrobe?

Professional work clothes are pricey when business casual doesn't fly. I guess this is what most university graduates go through in the beginning...creating a whole new wardrobe that doesn't consist of jeans and t-shirts in a matter of days is tough.

I guess this is my welcome party to the working world!

Great party!

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