21 febrero 2007

The Vegan Challenge: 30 Days of Environmental Compassion

Tomorrow will be the beginning of, yet another, vegan challenge. I always fail, but this time the mission is a bit different. It's not to see whether I can do it, it's to challenge my opinion that vegan food just doesn't look that good. I've learnt a thing for two about food presentation, sauces and cooking since I started my cookery course, so I challenge myself.

The main aims of this challenge are:

1. To bake at least 2 vegan desserts that don't contain chocolate, are moist, spongy and impressive.
2. To make at least 2 pasta dishes with a creamy-based sauce.
3. To create at least 2 dishes per week that look good, taste good and make one feel good.
4. To use ingredients that are readily available; that is, no trips to far away natural food stores to find exotic ingredients like Siberian pine nut oil or magic truffle paste.
5. To learn more about egg and dairy (cheese, namely) substitutes and be content with their results.

3 comentarios:

K dijo...

There are quite a few blogs with pretty pics of vegan food. Not mine but others like http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/.

Good luck.

Btw, I tried your stuffed capscium recipe and loved it. I love recipes that don't take me too much time or effort to make.

Cindy dijo...

Good luck! I hope it's a lot of fun (it's certainly a worthy cause.) I also hope you'll post about any recipes that fit your guidelines - I'd like to have a go at them too. :-)

Dirty Flamingo dijo...

Thanks! I willl probably need the luck...like many vegetarians attempted to make the transition (even if only temporary) cheese always does me in! Pear & Gorgonzola salad without the gorgonzola? Goats cheese and quice bruschetta without the cheese? That's my challenge...
